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Lu Hong, Ph.D. | biophysics + computation


My research interest is centered around understanding the kinetics of protein conformational changes, both at a structural and systems level; I study this topic with a wide range of computational techniques such as molecular dynamics, Rosetta, ML, and statistical/Monte Carlo methods, as well as experimental techniques to validate the computational predictions. The model system I focus on is the Kai system, a post-translational circadian oscillator in blue-green algae.

My publications can be found here; the associated code is archived here.

I am currently a postdoc with Tanja Kortemme at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF; 2020/07–⁠). I obtained my Ph.D. in biophysics at University of Chicago under the supervision of Aaron Dinner and Michael Rust (2015/08–⁠2020/06); before that, I studied mathematics at Wabash College, IN, with a minor in chemistry and psychology (2012/08–⁠2015/05).

You can find me on LinkedIn or Twitter.